Jump, Play, Explore:
Fun for Little Ones at Play Gym!
Our ‘Play Gym’ sessions are for children to come and play in a colourful, vibrant and adventurous gymnasium! This is a stay & play session meaning children are able play and roam around the gym as they wish but parents/carers must stay on site to watch them!
We have lots to explore in our gymnasium including our air track, soft play as well playing on our specialist gymnastics equipment such as our Bars, Beam and much more!
Our ‘Play Gym’ sessions are very popular and are perfect for children and parents to burn off some energy in an entertaining and enjoyable environment.
There is a qualified coach in attendance but this session is non structured so no coaching involved. All parents are responsible for their children and must watch them at all times.
These sessions are suitable for children up to 5 years, though older children are welcome to join if they wish. Many start with this session and then move on to a structured session.

Our drop in sessions are Term Time only. *We may run drop in sessions over the half terms, but timings may change, please check your booking*
Payment is required for these sessions.
9:30am to 11am
2:15pm to 3:15pm
9:30am to 11am
9:30am to 11am
2:15pm to 3:15pm
9:30am to 11am
£6.00 per Child if book online
£6.50 per Child if you pay at the door
Please note, if paying at the door entry cannot be guaranteed if our Play Gym session is full.
One adult will go in FREE per child, any additional adult will be charged £1 on entry.